Friday, May 22, 2015

The Power of Nice

Thank you to Sara Pedersen of Time to Organize for this week's blog. This is geared for professional organizers but the message can be transferred to most occupations or life in general. Is there any situation that we should not be nice?

The Power of Nice

saraBy Sara Pedersen 

Most of us are quite nice. We hold the door open for the person behind us, we smile at the office receptionist, and we make small talk even when we'd rather not. It makes us feel good, and it's the right thing to do. But did you know there's a business payoff, as well?

Positive impressions are everything, and by doing something nice, you never know when it will come back to you. People remember "nice" for a long time -- months, years, or even decades may pass, and that kindness will be remembered and favors returned. Here are a few ways you can "get your nice on."

Go the extra mile for a client: How can you provide the best possible service? Each client is unique, so always be on the lookout for opportunities to shine. Does he need a hard-to-find storage container? Then take some time to research, find it, and wow him with your quick response! Is a client's birthday coming up? Send a card, or stop by with a bouquet of flowers. Wow them every time, and you'll win them over for life.

Help out your competition: Yes, technically, other professional organizers are your competitors. But when we come together -- on the phone, at informal coffee shop gatherings, at NAPO meetings, in listserv chats -- we get the experience of many great minds. Help your colleagues find great resources, discover new solutions, and come up with innovative ideas. It will come back to you.

Volunteer your time to a worthy cause: We're all busy. But when you spare a little time, you may be surprised by the payout. Volunteer on a committee. You'll meet a variety of people and learn new skills. Offer some pro bono work at a local charity. You'll gain experience and photos for your portfolio. The more people you meet, the larger your pool of resources!

Give your full attention: When someone is speaking -- a colleague sharing a success story at a networking event or a client telling you about the history behind her teapot collection -- look her in the eye, smile, and clear your mind. Allow your focus to be on the person completely. Don't interject unless prompted. You'll be seen as a good listener, and you just might hear something you otherwise would have missed.

Pay a compliment: Use genuine, honest compliments to make people feel comfortable and confident. Sincere words of praise (such as your client's great new haircut, a colleague's cute shoes, or a competitor's awesome product idea) show that you take an interest in that person. Of course, offering compliments is easy when it's geared toward someone you adore. Also try going the extra mile to find something neat about a person who sometimes irritates you!

Have a party: In the spirit of cooperation, gather some friends in your line of work, in complementary fields, or even in completely different fields. Whether over coffee, cocktails, or cookies, exchange challenges, advice, and resources. You might hear about an awesome new web designer, a money-saving product discount, a potential client, or some great new ideas to boost your business.

Pass it on: When someone does something nice for you, pass it on. If you receive a helpful tip, a lucrative business contact, or heartfelt advice, "pay it forward." How can you help out someone and make her day? Remember, being nice always comes back to you! Give these tips a try, and be sure to send me your favorite "stories of nice" as well!

Copyright 2015 Time to Organize®  

For more information from Sara go to:  or

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